3 Common Challenges with Digital Transformation

Written by
Andrew Rieser
Co-Founder & CEO

3 Common Challenges with Digital Transformation

The Digital Transformation journey can be challenging, especially when you're getting started. In our experience as digital transformation guides, we've noticed these three common challenges:

1. Lack of governance framework

2. Lack of skilled staff and leadership

3. Lack of budget for implemetation costs

1. Lack of governance framework:

One of the most common challenges with digital transformation is the lack of a governance framework. Without a governance framework in place, it can be difficult to make decisions about which technologies to implement, how to implement them, and who will be responsible for maintaining them. Additionally, a lack of governance can lead to silos within an organization, as different departments may be implementing different technologies without any coordination.

2. Lack of skilled staff and leadership:

Another common challenge with digital transformation is the lack of skilled staff. Many organizations do not have the internal expertise necessary to implement new technologies, which can lead to delays and errors in the implementation process. Additionally, even if an organization does have the necessary expertise, they may not have enough staff to effectively manage the implementation of new technologies across the entire organization.

3. Lack of budget for Implementation costs:

Another challenge that is often encountered during digital transformation is the cost of implementation. New technologies can be expensive, and many organizations do not have the budget necessary to fully implement them. Additionally, even if an organization does have the budget for new technologies, they may not have the budget for the associated training and support costs.

The Takeaway

While the journey to Digital Transformation can be challenging and frustrating at times, it's always worth it when you reach the top of the mountain!

The journey is easier and more fruitful when you have an experienced guide at your side.

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